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Family Engagement

Family involvement plays a vital role in the ongoing success of student growth and school-wide progress.

Research consistently shows that family engagement in their child’s school is a decisive factor in the success of both the children and the school. Your active participation enriches the educational experience and fosters a strong sense of community.

Schoolwide Celebrations


Celebrate with students as they showcase their achievements in music, art, and cultural studies throughout the year. These events provide a wonderful opportunity to see firsthand the growth and creativity of our students and to connect with other families.

Montessori Philosophy


Weekly Newsletters: Stay updated on all the exciting happenings around campus by reading our weekly newsletters. They include important announcements, upcoming events, and highlights of student activities.

Family Workshops: Offered twice a year, these workshops provide insights into the Montessori philosophy and practical tips on supporting your child’s learning at home. Engage with IMS staff and other parents to deepen your understanding of our educational approach.


Conferences: Meet with your child's teacher twice a year to discuss their progress. These conferences are a time to review work samples, understand your child's growth, and ask questions. We are excited to partner with you to talk about strategies for overcoming challenges and to celebrate areas of growth!



Our Family School Association (FSA) organizes various events throughout the year to bring families together and strengthen our school community. These events are a great way to get to know other families, have fun, and support our school. Be an active and engaged family!

Volunteer Opportunities


Saturday Serve: Save the dates for our Saturday Serve opportunities. These events are designed for families to come together and volunteer their time to support both the local community and our school. It’s a wonderful way to teach children the value of giving back and to work alongside other IMS families.


Volunteer Orientation: Keep your eye out for information for our annual October Volunteer Orientation. This session will provide all the information you need to get started with volunteering at our school.


Classroom Assistance: Ask your student's teacher how you can assist in the classroom. Whether it’s helping with projects, organizing materials, or supporting special activities, your help is greatly appreciated.


Campus Needs: Watch for announcements requesting help around campus. There are always various ways to get involved, from gardening to organizing events, and your contributions make a big difference.

By staying connected and involved, you contribute significantly to the success and well-being of our students and our school community.

We look forward to partnering with you to create a supportive, enriching environment for all our children.

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